Friday, June 19, 2009

Work smart, NOT ONLY work hard

Hmmm....I used to hear that quotation several time before. And till now, i'm trying my best to be smarter than before. I used to spend my time working and working. But now, i try to more enjoy and balance my life. I deserve to enjoy what I've done, 'aight? So let's do it,

Work Hard, Play Hard...

Be smarter, and enjoy the life!!! :p

Thursday, June 18, 2009

It Just My Pride

I love photography...but it cost too much for me. These are some pics I had taken by a pocket cam, not a pro one. N I just love it...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Red Alert

Entah kenapa aku selalu tertarik dengan barang-barang berwarna merah. Memang siy, ngga terlalu freak seperti orang-orang laen yang memang menyukai warna tertentu. Barang-barang yang aku miliki pun ngga melulu berwarna merah. Tapi ngga tau kenapa gadget yang berwarna merah selalu keren di mataku. It looks different, stylish, and classy.

Sampe detik ini, aku masih naksir berat ma Sony Vaio yg warnanya merah. Belum kebeli juga siy, but it one of the most stylish gadget I dream of. Sama juga kayak hari ini, pas bolak-balik halaman majalah, eeeh...ada camera digital warna merah keluaran terbaru. Emang siy, aku rada-rada gaptek dalam soal gadget. Butuh orang laen yang bisa ngasi tau kelebihan dan kekurangan suatu gadget, sebelum akhirnya aku membelinya nanti. Aku ngga tau fitur-fitur yang ada udah cukup ok untuk harga segitu or ngga, tapi menurutku, red is the best, hehehehe.... Bener-bener ngga obyektif ya??? That's why people say Men are from Mars, and Women are from Venus ;p