Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Dunia Ring-ring

Biasanya aq ngasi julukan Mr/Miss Ring-ring buat orang-orang yang ga bisa lepas dari handphone-nya walau sejenak, entah itu ditelepon or nelpon, atau cuma smsan. Pokoknya ga bisa lepas dari hp deh.

Sama seperti pengalamanku balik ke Semarang baru-baru ini. Dari Blok M aq naik bis Damri Bandara. Cukup banyak juga penumpangnya. Perhatianku lebih terfokus ke majalah yang aq bawa buat temen perjalanan. Then I realized, suasana dalam bis cukup 'meriah' dengan dering hp dan percakapan masing-masing orang. Dan hebatnya lagi, setiap orang berbicara di telepon NYARIS sepanjang perjalanan. Pff...

I know...I know, it's not my business. Tapi aq jadi berpikir, apa jadinya ya kalau sehari dalam hidup ini kita hidup tanpa handphone? Mungkin dunia jadi sedikit lebih tenang, dan kita bisa berkomunikasi dalam arti sebenarnya, hehehe...

NB: picture was taken from

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I'm The Boss...Do It on My Way !!!

I hate that words!!!
I know, there are some leadership type. But military type is not my fav one
They decide ALMOST everything!!!

Nggak semua hal bisa diputuskan tanpa pertimbangan yang lain kan??? Apalagi kalo itu hanya berdasarkan pandangan subjektif secara general dari satu pihak aja. N yang menyebalkan,,,tu malah menghambat kreativitas kita !!!!


Sunday, December 21, 2008

Fenomena Termehek-mehek

Siapa si yang ga tau "Termehek-mehek", salah satu program TV fenomenal saat ini. Jujur aja, dari dulu aku ga suka reality show lokal jenis apa pun. Mungkin karena aku juga orang TV kali ya? Jadi bisa menilai tayangan TV "sedikit berbeda". Awalnya dari buka-buka facebook, mpe aku baca updated status salah satu temenku. Dia ngungkapin kalo dia ga percaya tu program, bahkan mpe ngasi link buat pembuktiannya. Jujur aja, walopun kita "bersaudara", tapi aku ga tau dan ga mau tau "isi dapur" mereka.

Akhirnya karena penasaran n bosan menjawab pertanyaan semua orang tentang program ini, aku klik link itu. Ternyata masuk ke salah satu forum TransTV. Berbagai comment masuk di forum itu, dari yang ngefans, nanya-nanya, mpe kritikan-kritikan pedas. Komplit dah... Bahkan ada link ke berbagai blog yang membahas program ini. Dan di blog itu, pembahasannya lebih seru!! Wuih...dahsyat ya? :-)

Jadi inget, seseorang pernah bilang (U know who he is), "Sesuatu yang fenomena itu sifatnya hanya sementara. Cepat menanjaknya, heboh, dan cepat pula turunnya." Hmm... Bukannya aku berharap program ini cepat drop, tapi dari semua pro dan kontra ini, aku jadi sadar, orang Indonesia sekarang makin pinter dan kritis menilai apa yang mereka tonton, ya kan??

Saturday, December 20, 2008


How if logical meets emotion?
N how if the heart's not along with the brain??
Which one will you choose?
When it's being harder as you know what you want but not what you need...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Miss Rempong

Udah sewajarnya kan, kalo cewek itu menjaga penampilannya. Ga peduli dia tomboy, feminin, atau apapun itu istilahnya, pasti mereka akan berusaha tampil ok. Ga heran, banyak banget pernak-pernik kebutuhan cewek yang dijual di mall, buat menuhin kebutuhan cewek dari ujung kepala mpe ujung kaki.

Buat cewek-cewek, ngaku aja deh, pernah kan, dalam sehari bisa gonta-ganti baju, sepatu, tas plus pernak-pernik yang match buat berbagai acara di hari itu. Tapi....cuma satu orang yang kukenal yang paling rempong dalam urusan ini. Aku nyebutnya 'Miss Rempong'. she's too concern about what she wear, n it's sometimes annoying.

Pernah suatu hari, kebetulan pas Idul Adha, pagi hari pasti dimulai dengan sholat Ied di lapangan. Pastinya pake baju muslim. Pulang sholat, kita mo lihat penyembelihan kambing di Bogor. Semua ganti baju, tapi masih biasa aja,t-shirt plus celana pendek or jins,...except her. Pake bohemian dress panjang plus bolero yang cukup "berwarna". Agak over sih, menurutku. N sorenya, pas balik lagi ke Jakarta, dia diajak nemenin ke tukang pijit, depan gang, u know what??? Miss Rempong bingung musti pake baju apa, bahkan gonta-ganti nyobain baju yg beda-beda!! Buset...rempong abieeesss...

Friday, November 28, 2008

Colourful Day

What you wear on Friday????
Friday in my company means Colorful Day, as everyone can express themselves in what they wear, after Monday to Thursday in black uniform. Some are feminine, some are ethnic, some are conventional. But they are all colorful!!!

Check it out:

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


How people describe you????
In my case, kata pertama yg mereka ucapkan adalah, "kecil,....," baru dilanjutkan ma kata laen. Ugh,,dulu tu sempet bikin aq protes, "mang cuma aku doank yg kecil???" Tapi skrg si cuek aja. Malah suka bwt bcandaan. For me, kata kecil diganti mungil or imut, hehehe...

Dengan tinggi badan yg cuma 150cm, aq masih suka ngrasa 'terintimidasi' ma org2 yg mang punya postur badan berlebih (baca: tinggi). Tapi lain halnya kalo ketemu ma org laen yg posturnya lebih mungil dariku. Aq bakal ngliatin mereka, or bahkan ngedeketin mereka cuma buat ngebandingin postur qta ; tp tanpa sepengetahuan mereka ya, hehehe... *keluar tanduk merah dikepalaku*

Oia, satu hal lagi, postur mungilku ni ngga susah buat nyari baju, karena aq ga trmasuk cewe yg slim, lebih cenderung berisi (denial to say i'm fat, hahaha...)
Tapi...kalo soal sepatu, lain lagi. Mpe skarang bnyk yg masi komentar soal sepatuku yg juga tergolong mungil. Ya iyalah...sepatuku ni ukuran 36,5 ; ko pake setengah??? nanggung bgt y? Soalnya kalo 36 suka kesempitan, n kalo 37 suka kegedean. Nah lho, bingung kan???

Jadi, "Zee yg mana?" u may say, "kecil,..."

Tiring Day

It happened to me few days ago, but i'm in my mood to write it now.
A few days ago, i had a tiring day, not physically, but emotionally. Started the day by checking my email, n have a good news. Not something for sure, but still promising. Keep praying for that, hopefully I will reach it this time, I wish...

N then I remembered, one of my best friend celebrate her birthday just two days before. Feeling guilty coz i missed that, but I sent her a birthday message, and not forget to say sorry. Still happy....

...'till I got bad news. And it jumbled my feelings down. I got news that one of my aunt passed away, because of heart attack. Sad, of course. But more feel regret of many things. I should have visit her and her family before, but i haven't. I always have many things as my permission; my job, weather condition, etc. N now it's being too late. Just a big regret I have...

Remember what a wiseman says, "...that you're not thankful for what you have, until you loose it"

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Pesta Blogger 2008

"I went to Pesta Blogger 2008"
Yup, it said on the official t-shirt I got it from this event I joined yesterday. As a new blogger, I didn't know what should I expected from this such event. But there are some things i noted from this event.

First, the moderator. Honestly, He was not good. Ok, ok, he asked the questions to the speakers, but then he asked the next questions rather than asked it deeper. So it just like a question list to ask to speakers. Next, the break session. It was my fav session, actually. But they need more room, i think. The topic i joined was in the main hall, which we shared with two others topic. So there were no mic for the speaker. U must try hard to hear what the speaker said.'s far from what i expected before.

Hope it will be getting better next year

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Pernah nggak dalam posisi musti ngerjain tugas yang nggak pasti? It just happened to me today. And it sooooo.....annoying. Semua serba dadakan, mepet, dan terburu-buru. Dilema antara musti ngelakuin kewajiban, tapi yang kita kerjain sifatnya nggak pasti.

Kondisinya diperparah ma sesuatu yang aku sebut "multi-leadership".
*wuiiihhh....berat banget kayaknya tuh!!!*
Sebentar musti begini, beberapa jam kemudian jadi begitu, dan nggak lama kemudian bilang, "kayaknya rencana awal bakal tetap dijalanin deh, tapi dengan perubahan tertentu". Semuanya punya mau, n in my case, it's an order!!!

Wooooowwwww....calm down,,,it's not as easy as ticking your fingers, man!!!
Sesuatu yg disebut-sebut "prosedur" musti dijalanin - sesuatu yg selalu ditekanin setiap saat - n it's not simple!!!

capek ah...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Friends are always Friends

I started this day by checking my emails. N i found a new email from my old friend from Japan. We've been friend for more than 4 years, but we only met 4-5 times, n we're still keep in touch 'till today.

It always nice to be keep in touch with friends from each corner of the world, though we're separated in a long distance. Many things we shared, like jobs, friendship, love life, common issues, etc. Sometimes we share experience n opinions, n give advice to some problems. Well, that's what friends are for, 'aight??

N I do agree with what he said,
"...that nothing can change us, different background and we don't share time together much, but friends are always friends..."

Saturday, October 25, 2008

So....tired !!!

The tattoos i made in Bali

Ugggghhhhh.....siapa bilang dinas ke Bali itu enak???
Emang sih, 10 hari di Bali, dengan akomodasi n tiket PP ditanggung kantor, sounds great ya? Palagi dalam rangka liputan event olahraga, which means seharusnya bakal kelar sore hari, n malemnya? ya jalan-jalan donk....

Hiks...sayangnya ngga gitu. Tiap hari udah ngumpul di lobi jam 6 pagi, n balik ke hotel paling cepet jam 9 malem, bahkan lebih. Have no more energy to do other things. Maybe some people still have time for other things, but not me. Untungnya masih sempet renang di hotel, walopun udah malem2 gitu, hehehe... (baru kali ni aku renang malem2)
Oia, satu-satunya kesempatan buat keluar, malah aku pake buat belanja oleh2, hehehe... kalo ini si lebih karena tuntutan moril, ga afdol kalo pulang ga bawa oleh-oleh =)

ya...karena jalan-jalan ga kesampaian, jadi niat mo liburan ke Bali next time. Dunno when
But one thing for sure, Bali....i'll coming !!!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Feel Like AIESEC Conference

"Ziah, you will handle mini studio in Asian Beach Games in Bali, ok"

"...and what i'm gonna do in that mini studio? while I'm still running a Ramadhan program, and i haven't handled a sport program"

"don't worry, you can make it"

It said a months ago, while i'm still working on 4 Mata Sahur Seru, a comedy-variety show we produced during Ramadhan. To be honest, i really exciting to run this event, as it my first international event, and it will be held in Bali, yeee....!!!! I can imagine Bali with it's culture, nature, and entertainment we can get. You may say, it would be a combination of work and pleasure in the same time. But the other side, I quite worried as it's not only being my first sport event, but at that time, the preparation is still running without i getting involved in. I have no idea what will I really do there, what should I prepare, etc.

N then it started. Many things changed, n I responsible handling beach volleyball. One thing I really noticed from this event, it's really feels like AIESEC Conferences. People from all the world gathers in one place, working 'till late night, busy with their laptop, discuss many things, etc...etc...etc... It's a blend of culture, sports, pleasure, and nature. what do you think???

Mba Otty were trying hard to make Diego wearing the uniform =P

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Apa Perlu Diruwat?

Bulan lalu, salah seorang temanku kehilangan ibunya karena sakit. Gak lama kemudian, karena ngrasa kehilangan, ayahnya menyusul menghadap Sang Khalik. Pasti sedih ya, ditinggal orang tua dalam waktu yang berdekatan. FYI, beberapa bulan sebelumnya Temanku ini bis kecelakaan. Gak tanggung-tanggung, ni yang kedua kalinya, n kali parah banget, mpe tangannya msti patah. Bahkan pas kedua ortunya meninggal, tangannya masih digips.

Ok, back to the topic. Masih dalam suasana duka, karena meninggalnya kedua ortunya, musibah ternyata lum pengen ninggalin dia. Kakeknya (entah dari ibu or bapaknya) meninggal dunia. Penyebabnya? Karena faktor usia, ditambah kesedihan yang mendalam karena kehilangan anak dan menantunya dalam waktu yang berdekatan. Pasti berat banget ya, kehilangan keluarga berurtan kayak gitu.

N today, kita baru dapet kabar, adik dari temanku itu meninggal. Kejadiannya cukup tragis, meninggal karena jatuh dari apartemen. Sampai saat ini temanku masih shock atas semua kejadian yg menimpanya itu.

Pasti berat banget ya kalo ngalamin kejadian itu. Mungkin Allah SWT punya rahasia indah buat dia ya? Hanya Tuhan yang tahu.

My question is, apa dia perlu diruwat seperti ritual orang Jawa?

Monday, October 13, 2008

Laskar Pelangi, The Real Potrait of Indonesian Education

"Kejarlah pelangimu sampai ke ujung langit. Jangan pernah menyerah"

That's my favorite quote that ends Laskar Pelangi The Movie. Along with my family, finally I've watched it. It's a great family movie, though my friends said the book is more complete and detail. Of course it is, i think, as they can't put all the story on the script, isn't it? Just like other movies based on book, 'aight?

It's not only funny, touchy, but also entertaining. There are some moral points in this movie, such as friendship and also struggle for your dreams. The story is so real. It is the real portrait of Indonesian education in rural area. There's one scene i most remember, that is when the students in Muhammadiyah Elementary School have their math subject using "lidi", while in another school the students get new calculators FOR FREE!!! It's so contrast...but it happens 'till now.

Correct me if i'm wrong, in a big and modern town like Jakarta (and maybe other town in Indonesia), you may see students in a big and popular school enjoy any facilities, like swimming pool, sport court, computer, etc. While in other part of Jakarta, some students must work hard to buy the books and work to help their parents in the same time.

It's so ironic!!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Selamat Idul Fitri 1429H

Selayaknya selembar kertas, saat ini kita kembali putih, bersih, belum ternodai. Semoga kita bisa menjaga diri dari segala hal yang tidak baik.
Taqabalallahu Minna Wa Minkum,
Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin,
Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin


Monday, September 29, 2008

Laskar Pelangi

mimpi adalah kunci
untuk kita menaklukkan dunia
berlarilah tanpa lelah
sampai engkau meraihnya

laskar pelangi takkan terikat waktu
bebaskan mimpimu di angkasa
warnai bintang di jiwa

menarilah dan terus tertawa
walau dunia tak seindah surga
bersyukurlah pada Yang Kuasa
cinta kita di dunia selamanya

cinta kepada hidup
memberikan senyuman abadi
walau hidup kadang tak adil
tapi cinta lengkapi kita

laskar pelangi takkan terikat waktu
jangan berhenti mewarnai
jutaan mimpi di bumi

repeat reff [2x]

laskar pelangi takkan terikat waktu

Have ever heard this song? Yup, it's one of the original soundtracks of Laskar Pelangi movie. I haven't watched the movie, actually. But i love this song since i heard it at the first time (i heard it when Nidji performed live at one of TV show!!!). Not only because i love 'em, but just check the lyric, it has deep meaning and easy listening at the same time. It gives me positive spirit to be more optimist to face all things in the world, and never give up though everythings are not running as we want. So, Keep Rockin' The World !!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

New hair, new spirit?

People said, a new hairstyle can change your mood. Along with my friends, I was going to Blok M, n have a hairdo. For me, it's more than change my hairstyle. Get bored with all job routinity, trying to escape for a while. I hope with a new look, it can boost my spirit.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Feel Guilty

A few months ago I read a female magazine's article about a blind man who struggle for his life. And now, he's not only has a family who love and support him whole-heartily, but also a foundation ,named Mitra Netra, that helps many other blind people. Through a program called "1000 Books", this foundation gathers anyone who want to be a volunteer to re-type a book we choose. After it re-typed, Mitra Netra will converts them all to a braille-format-book. The goal of this program is to provide books for blind people, as we know it's difficult to find them in common bookstore.

I decided to join this book, and become one of the volunteer. I choose "Warna-Warni Televisi Episode 3". I typed it almost everyday, then I realized I almost done. But suddenly my flash disc is broken, and I lost ALL the data. It made me sad, angry, and down at the same time. Then I gave up.

Today, 2 months after that, not in purpose, I put my name on Google search. And I found my name has already being one of volunteer in 1000 books program. Honestly, I feel ashamed and guilty. How come a volunteer not though like me. How can I help other people if I'm weak???!!!

So now, I'm trying to start it again. Hopefully this time I can finish it. GANBATTE !!!

Monday, September 8, 2008


Duh, susahnya kalo gi sakit tenggorokan. It just happened to me now. Beberapa hari ini memang tenggorokanku mulai kerasa nggak enak, padahal seingetku belakangan ini aku nggak minum air es (FYI, tenggorokanku tu supersensitif ma air es). Sakit tenggorokan mang cukup merepotkan, coz kerjaanku nuntut buat banyak ngomong n koordinasi ma orang banyak.

N puncaknya hari ini, sejak aku bangun tidur mpe di kantor suaraku udah mulai serak. Buat ngomong aja susah. Dari mulai persiapan syuting, mpe kelar syuting musti dijalanin dengan susah payah (ya iyalah...orang mo ngomong aja susyeh banget getooo...). Thanks God, I have great friends. Semuanya ngebantuin aku (walopun mbil nggodain suaraku yang parah ini, hikx...), so that everything run well.

Dan untungnya lagi, aku libur hari ini, yeeee....
Give me L...
Give me I...
Give me B...
Give me U...
Give me R...

For me, libur kali ini menyenangkan banget, SECARA aku ngerjain program sahur, n dari awal Produser-ku udah wanti-wanti kalo mungkin aja sebulan ini ga bakal libur. Yippie...!!! Let's sing a song, "Libur tlah tiba...Libur tlah tiba...Hore..hore..hore..!!"

Friday, August 29, 2008


Hwaaaaahhhh...........kantorku ini memang pinter bikin karyawannya jadi konsumtif!!!
Kantorku ini rajin banget ngadain bazaar or pameran apapun, mulai dari fashion, electronic, buku, sampe action figure. Mulai dari tema Ramadhan, Hari Kemerdekaan, or apapun, pasti sering banget ada pameran or bazaar itu. Plusnya, kalo gi suntuk ma kerjaan, tinggal ngacir ke loby Bank Mega, liat-liat barang yang didisplay. Udah gitu, hampir semua booth nawarin discount n kemudahan pembayaran dengan credit card. So, kalo ga kuat iman, bakal terperosok ke lembah pemborosan (apa siy...bahasaQ ga banget deh...*lebay mode on*)

Contohnya kmaren, beberapa waktu sebelum puasa, ada pameran buku dan barang electronic. Rame juga, entah tu cuma liat-liat or beli barangnya juga. Lum selesai pameran, ada lagi bazaar nyambut Ramadhan. Barang-barang yang ditawarin cukup menggiurkan, palagi makanannya bow...nyum...nyum... *dilema nich...bingung mo makan yang mana ya?*

N ni yg paling seru...bebarengan ma bazaar itu, anak-anak wardrobe sale T-shirts, shirts and jackets. Murah cuy...20ribuan, n jaketnya 40ribuan. Mang siy, baju-baju yang diobral tu baju-baju yang pernah dipake untuk program-progam sebelumnya, but untuk harga sgitu, why not??? Bayangin aja, baru jalan 10 menit pertama, n u know what? kayaknya smua kryawan di kantor udah ikutan ngubek-ngubek t-shirt yg mo mreka beli. mo kalah donk...SERBUUUUU........!!!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Kencan Jakarta

Satu lagi buku favorit yg musti kalian punya... "Kencan Jakarta" by Anisa Anindhika. A food guidance for all food lover in Jakarta and surrounded. Dari makanan indonesia kayak nasi uduk or sate, ada. Buat pecinta fast food kayak burger or steak, tinggal pilih mo di daerah mana. Or cuma mo 'ngemil' bakso or cake, u named it!! Semua bisa liat di buku ni. komplit dah!

Yg bikin buku ni beda dr buku-buku soal makanan yg laen, bahasanya nyantai bgt, ga terlalu kaku, kayak crita biasa ke orang laen. Malah disisipin ma gambar sketsa-sketsa baju, comment pribadi, dll. Ala diary gitu deh... N yg pasti berguna bgt buat yg doyan jalan n nyobain makanan enak n ga terlalu mahal kayak aku ni, hehehe... Yup, makanan yg direcommend disini rata-rata 50ribu perak buat berdua. Asik ga tuh!! Bisa makan bareng yayank kan?

So, jangan ngaku anak gaul kalo lum tau tempat-tempat makan di Jakarta. Ulik aja tempat-tempat makan yg ada di buku ini, ok. Just one rule, JANGAN TAKUT GEMUK!!! Hehehe.... =p

Note: gambar diambil dari

Monday, August 25, 2008

Cashmere Mafia

One of dramedy (drama-comedy) aired on ABC, an American TV station. It's about friendship of Juliet Drapper (Miranda Otto), Zoe Burden (Frances O'Connor), Caitln Dowd (Bonnie Somerville), and Mia Mason (Lucy Liu) - A group of successful female executives in New York City, who have been friends since college. While highly successful in the corporate world, the Cashmere Mafia gang have a terrible personal life.

Each character is interesting for me. "The cool" Juliet Drapper, a successful woman that facing her husband's affair. Zoe Burden, a typically career woman in metropolitan, who working hard to balance her career and family life. Caitln Dowd, a cheerful and energetic woman who ever had sexual orientation crisis. And Mia Mason, who loosing her relationship with her husband-to-be on a corporate battle. They support each other to solve each personal problems.

N what I love most from this serial is THE FASHION…!!! The outfits, hairdo, night gowns, bags, jewelery, etc…everything is sooo stylist, just like watching fashion show outside the runway. Just wondering, can you find such a fashion style in real corporate life? Or is it possible that I’ll be someone like ‘em (in fashion style, I mean…not the problems…ugh, I wish not ever happened to me) ?

But unfortunately, we can only watch this serial on DVDs. But you can find ‘em easily, aaight? Only 1 session, which consists from 7 episodes.
So for the serial lover, go get ‘em!!! You won’t regret it !!
I guaranted… =)

Note: pictures was taken from and

Kenapa Kuda Lumping Makan Beling ?

Kenapa kuda lumping makan beling? Hayo....kalo kalian yang ditanyain gitu, bakal jawab apa? Buku ini kumpulan dari 62 pertanyaan konyol yang dijawab ma masing-masing personil NAIF, dari soal binatang, teknologi, mpe soal politik n filsafat.
Kalo liat aksi panggung mereka yang atraktif pasti udah biasa kan, nah gimana kalo mereka suruh jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu? Konyol...seru...ngaco...n kadang-kadang lebay juga. Ni contohnya yang bikin aku ketawa geli:

Kenapa produsen susu kuda selalu mencantumkan embel-embel liar, emangnya yang kalem enggak laku?
David: "Susu kuda liar" itu yang sering kita baca sampai sekarang. Gue juga belum pernah mencobanya, Kabarnya susu tersebut bisa mendongkrak stamina pria dalam bercinta (wuuiihh!). Tapi kenapa juga ya pakai yang liar? Coba kita ganti menjadi: Di Sini Jual "Susu Kuda Kalem". Enggak enak terdengarnya, udah gitu kurang rock n roll gitu. Tapi mungkin akan lebih laku di pasaran jika menggunakan nama "Susu Janda Liar".
(copied from "Kenapa Kuda Lumping Makan Beling ?" by Bukune)

Tu kan, ASAAAALLLL.....!!! Masi banyak pertanyaan yang bisa bikin kamu senyum-senyum, bahkan ketawa sendiri. Tapi ati-ati ya, jangan sampe senyum-senyum or ketawa-ketawa sendiri, tar disangka orang gila, hehehe...

Note: Gambar diambil dari

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Sky Burial

It's a great book!!!
At the beginning i was thought it's such a romance book only, about love between man and woman. But it's different than any romance I've ever read. Shortly, It's based on a true story about a heroic faithful love of a Chinese woman. It's not only tell about the romance itself, but also about adventure, Chinese and Tibet history, and also ancient Tibet tradition.

Sky Burial itself is an unique ancient tradition that Tibet people do to dead body. How they treat the dead body, their belief to Gods, and also Buddhism. After you read it, you may say it's a cruel tradition, but it was happened at the past.
Two thumbs up for this book!!! I strongly recommend it for you...!!!

Note: picture was taken from

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Turn Back Time

It always fun when u come back home, meet your family n the old friends. It just likes turn back the time. It's totally fun!! Whenever n wherever u r, home is the best place to come back. There's a warmth that can't u get from any other place in the world. Though the other places offer u any posh, but it can't replace what home offers to u. Gather with people from the past, get updated with the recent news, n of course...having fun!!!

Today i met my friends on Tisa's wedding, especially the @ers. Of course, @ers always being narcist everywhere, took many pictures as we can, hehehe... But, the groom and the bride looked very tired, we can see it on their face. For Tisa, wish u'll have a happy marriage ever after... =D

Thursday, August 14, 2008

:: Just My Luck ::

Today, my office is being visited by JakFM crews, one of well-known radio in Jakarta. They held a music quiz, called 'Music Goes to Office', sponsored by one of national telecommunication provider in Indonesia. The rule is so simple. They would play 10 songs which only 4 seconds each, n they asked us to guess the song titles n the singers. It looked simple anyway, but it wasn't. For me myself, it's quite confusing, as i only sing the song, but not really know the artists, hehehe...=p
So then, we copied the answers each other. Look at our faces!!! We look very serious, but we were not!!! We were too busy to copy other answer-sheet, hahaha...
Then, the radio crew announced the winner. And surprisingly, i'm being the runner up!! Honestly, i only know 2 of 10 songs they played!!! And the others, i copied from my friends, hahaha... Lucky me... =D

Monday, August 4, 2008

Mission CT601

Gini ni kalo cewek udah pengen sesuatu, sgala macem cara dilakuin buat ngedapetinnya.
So that what's happened to me n kristin. Awalnya kita pengen beli lemari, trus ngerapiin n dekor ulang kamar. Pergilah kita ke Carefour M.T Haryono. Ternyata, lemarinya cuma ada 1 (dari 2 yang kita cari buat masing-masing), hix... Daripada pulang cuma bawa satu, akhirnya kita mutusin ke Carefour Ambassador. N again...disana juga ga ada stok barang yang kita mau!!!! Apes banget siy!

Akhirnya kita balik ke kos. Baru duduk bentar di kos, trus muncul ide dari kristin buat ke Carefour Lebak Bulus, yang kata orang tu pusatnya Carefour di Jakarta, buat dapetin tu lemari dengan tipe CT601, tipe yg sama sebelumnya. So, kita sebut ni 'Misi CT601'. bener-bener perjuangan buat dapetin tu lemari. Ditengah jalan menuju kesana, hujan deres. Kita udah bingung gitu, bahkan nyampe Carefour pun masi deres aja. Alhasil, begitu turun bis, kita langsung lari naik jembatan penyeberangan, trus lanjut maraton dari gerbang masuk ke pintu utamanya. Sambil basah kuyub n perut laper, plus diliatin ma semua orang, kita langsung ke bagian lemari. Finally, lemarinya ada, bahkan banyak banget, tinggal pilih mo warna apa. HORRAYY....!!!! Ga sia-sia deh pengorbanan muter-muter Jakarta mpe basah kuyub demi sebuah lemari CT601 ini, hehehe...

so, Mission CT601 accomplished !!! =)

Monday, July 21, 2008

1001 Indie Smile Exhibition

There's a cool festival you must see in Senayan City, it's called "1001 Design Festival". it's being held on July 17-24th, 2008. I was there with my boyfriend, not to see that festival in purpose actually, but it's fun.
It exhibits the talented young designers' works, such as graphic design, sculpture, animation & multimedia. But I like most is the "1001 Indie Smile Character Contest", with it's cute character named 'Peyo'. You may see politician, 'barong', astronout, and other
cute creatures visualize whole-heartedly Indonesian smile. each characters have their own explanation of what the smile means. check out the pictures, and you'll know what i mean...
my favorite one is a cute pink 'Peyo'. and guess, when i checked its name, it's called "ZEE"...It's my nick name, huhuhuhu.... it's symbolize baby which interpret smile as a happiness and victory. cool meaning, aight???

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Don't Judge a Book From Its Cover

Kalo baca judulnya klise banget ya,semua orang udah sering denger sebelumnya. Tapi itu jadi pengalaman berharga buatku semalam. Semalam timku menghandle Grand Final L-Men Of The Year 2008,Live dari Studio 1 Trans TV. Tau kan, pemilihan cowok-cowok six pack itu. Semua orang komentar soal finalis, dari face-nya, badannya, cara jalannya, sampe poster-poster mereka yang pake swimsuit...hayo ngaku, siapa yang doyan ma cowok-cowok kayak gitu, hehehe...

Host buat acara itu si Aditya Herpavi n Luna Maya. Tau kan, yang cowok biasa kita liat di !nsert, n yang cewek udah sering nongol di iklan or infotainment. Sejak gladi bersih, si Luna Maya ini cengengesan mulu, telat pula datengnya. Semua crew berpikir (n berharap) dia bakal tampil grand n elegant pas show nanti.

N show must go on...n ternyata apa yang kita takutin terjadi. Luna Maya tetep cengengesan, bercanda ga jelas, bahkan salah baca script, yang bikin kacau acara. Jauh dari kesan yang pengen ditampilkan. Bahkan Kadiv-ku bilang dia tampak bodoh, hehehe... (buat Luna Maya's fans, jangan marah yee..). Parahnya lagi, si Aditya Herpavi yang kita pikir cool, ternyata gampang panik!! Dia ga bisa improve n menghandle 'kekacauan' yg dibuat si Luna. So bisa dibayangkan kan gimana kacaunya show semalam? Walopun mungkin ga terlalu keliatan di TV, tapi tetep aja menurut kita kacau.

Pfff...ternyata artis cantik, mahal n digandrungi banyak orang ini, ga profesional banget ya...

Monday, July 14, 2008

Cleaning Day!!!

yesterday was cleaning day!!!!
my new Division Head made all people in my division came to the office to clean and tidy up our properties. so i was here around 10 and started to clean everything. actually, it's not mine, as me n my friend keep our properties regularly. but then we cleaned the boxes that we didn't know whose is it?
then i found some old-style-sunglasses. those were "Full Color" properties, a comedy show in our television company. as they don't need them all anymore, we took 'em...and pose...being narcist, took some pictures wearing those glasses, hahaha....

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Family Vacation

Yesterday,Dasti,my cousin sent me sms,invite me to join her family vacation to Anyer,West Java.she said they'll grill seafood there.

so today we all woke up earlier n left home around 6. at the first time, i thought we ONLY will buy seafood in the market, then we grill it for lunch. but then, whoila....!!! my aunt take out frying pan and other cooking utensils, including the additional ingredients for the food, like tomatoes, onions, etc!! then i realized, WE WERE REALLY COOKING ON THE BEACH!!! Can you imagine that??? we chopped the chillis and onions, grilled the fish, made "sate ayam", and even sauted the shrimp n cuttlefish. check out the food, nyum....nyum...

it's the first time for me. though i had ever had vacation with my family, but i have never cook in real and bring all the cooking utensils like this, hehehe.... but it's fun =)
you must try it once, someday ;p

Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Book Heaven!!!

Today, me, Kristin, Apri, n Wura visited a book fair in Istora Senayan, Jakarta. all of us are book lover. we sure we can get lower price there than if we buy books in the bookstore, but we were not "ready" for what we'll face there, hehehehe....

as we entered the first hall, a bank of book made my eyes wider. ow...many great n interesting books tempted me!!! the first book i got is Oprah Winfrey. i went to book fair in purposed to get this book, but poor me, i couldn't get the cheaper one. all my friends bought this book also, but they could get the-Rp 10,000-book in the sale box, while there's no the same book in it. i got the latest revision Rp 26,000, hix..hix....

i tried to stop myself to not spend whole my money in only one publisher. then we went to next the other one....and we realize, IT'S A BOOK HEAVEN!!! all the publisher give you discount, n most are great!!! we can get a Rp 5,000 / Rp 10,000 book each!!! we kept look a glance in many books, took one...and the other one...and bring it to the cashier, till we realized, we've spent much money, n we bought A LOT of books to read!!!

now, i look to all the books i bought today. just wondering when will i finish to read them all, as i'm a very very very slow reader. but i'm sure i'll read them all. slow but sure, hehehe..........

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

see in different way

Finally...i create my own blog. Horray!!!!
you may say it's not something special to celebrate,
but it's cool enough for me, hehehe =)

today all the production staff in my office gathered in a meeting, talk about the new company "regulation".
one of them is we'll have a new "tradition" that will be done each month, like coffee morning or jogging in Senayan. beside, the director remind us about the smile & greetings habbit. everyone should smile and regards others anytime we met.

hmm, should the boss remind you about those little things?
i'm sure not every director in big companies in Jakarta will care and do the same thing. It's totally your right to smile or regard to others, isn't it? But maybe we should consider that those ways can raise up our kinship and solidarity

what do you think?