Monday, September 26, 2011

I’m Not A Superwoman

Question: When we incapable to do something then we asked for some help, is it mean that we're giving up?
I don’t think so.

I asked someone the solution for my problem. Then i get it, but i know that i’m not capable to do it. So I asked for some help. But he thought I give up. I’m not, my friend. I’m just stuck...for a while. But i am still thinking another way.

Then he texted me, “Orang yang menyerah tidak akan sukses, dan orang yang sukses tidak akan pernah menyerah – Mario Teguh”.

Nice quotation, but it’s just a different case, i think. I’m not a superwoman who can do anything. Even if I am, I think a superwoman needs some helps too…

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